Hair loss pattern is out of our control and almost 75% men and up to 50% of women suffer from it. If you have been suffering from hair loss then hair transplant Toronto is the best option to help you cope from it. Following are certain things that you need to know about hair loss and hair transplant before deciding on it.

What causes hair loss?

Poor nutrition, stress, medical conditions, medications, hormonal imbalance and genetics are some of the reasons why you might be undergoing hair loss. Both men and women show different signs of balding. Women have a more diffused and overall pattern of thinning, whereas men first experience a receding hairline and then balding at the crown, followed by an eventual horseshoe shape of remaining hair. With the advancement in technology, new and advanced hair regeneration technologies have become available that gives people their control back. The hair transplant surgery which used the ARTAS Robotic Hair transplant system technology is effective and permanent.

What is unique about the ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant?

It uses high-resolution digital imaging and real-time 3D analysis for consistent grafting. ARTAS is minimally invasive, implying that it is virtually pain-free and there is a fast recovery. It is a low-cost technique with a price ranging from $7-9 per follicular unit. The procedure usually takes about 7 to 9 hours. After undergoing the procedure you can get back to work in about three days. Full recovery takes about 4 – 7 days.

Though the strip method of hair transplant is still quite useful, it is the perfect choice for only those people who have a limited number of donor’s hair or desire a very significant graft volume. The visibility of scar and longer recovery are some of the reasons why it is not frequently opted for anymore. The FUE, Follicular unit extraction has eliminated the linear scalp scar. High-resolution cameras communicate to the robotic arm to deftly manoeuvre precisely where the follicle needs to be, within fractions of millimetres. The arm accurately places the hair at any angle. The split-second reaction is beyond humans, so if the patient movies the arm responds and compensates dynamically.

Is ARTAS cost effective?

Though the cost of per unit is a little higher than some of the basic FUE and FUT options, ARTAS is a better option as it makes use of higher-end technology for your hair transplant. Advanced robotic tech is used to harvest follicular units with intelligent algorithms for meticulous depth and alignment. It delivers the precise amount of hair density and the natural growth angles aren’t dependent on the surgeons hand-eye coordination. It has been guided and partnered with advanced equipment which ensures that that consistency is delivered.

The ARTAS technology intelligently plans for natural results by making use of reliable algorithms and the combination of an extremely experienced surgeon and advanced guidance, which means that you will have the very best results so it is worth the money.

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